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Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society

A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare technology

Dedicated to advancing the knowledge of personnel involved in the development, selection, operation, repair and support of biomedical instrumentation in healthcare institutions throughout the State of Georgia

Just a little History

23 Feb 2017 12:59 PM | Christa Shiver

Throwing some education out there 

A little history on our Board of Trustees.  Christa Shiver was the first BMET to win the "BMET of the Year" award. The award was started in memory of Dave Smith. Many years ago. Most of the Board of Trustees have won this award or a similar one. All BOT have been serving in leadership positions for GBIS for many years. They are very experienced in all aspects of our society. Christa has served in all positions of the officers (Pres, V-Pres, etc). She has been in GBIS actively for 17 years. It is hard to rise to the BOT governing body positions because of the years you have to serve in GBIS and the required experience and accomplishments. All BOT are lifetime members of GBIS. We are very proud of our Board of Trustees. Awesome group. Horace Hunter, Christa Shiver, Dr. Mike O'Rear, Dianne O'Rear, Emmanuel King. This blog was submitted due to questions on our Board Of Trustees and who are they. Oh by the way, our executive director is Horace Hunter. Thank you Horace for everything you have done for our society.

Maybe more education on our blog soon:  Submitted by: Christa Shiver, GBIS, Board of Trustee.    2-23-17     1:22PM


Georgia Biomedical 

Instrumentation Society

  A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare  technology

PO Box 161685

Atlanta, GA  30321

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