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Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society

A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare technology

Dedicated to advancing the knowledge of personnel involved in the development, selection, operation, repair and support of biomedical instrumentation in healthcare institutions throughout the State of Georgia

GBIS 2015 Technical Conference

The Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society held its 2015 GBIS Technical Conference at the Children’s Healthcare Office Park in Atlanta, GA. A Meet-N-Greet event kicked off the annual event the evening before with a buffet dinner and beverages at the Courtyard Atlanta Executive Park/ Emory. I special tribute was given to member veterans that serviced during the Vietnam era with an announcement letter from the governor of Georgia and a veteran’s cap. The event also offered a great time for vendors and participants to connect and build relationships.

At 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 15th, the fun for 2015 Conference Committee members Horace Hunter, Christa Shiver, Emmanuel King, Dr. Mike O’Rear, Dianne O’Rear, Michael Cameron, Dr. Jeff Smoot, Hecmary Tirado, Keith Lott, several friends, and Children’s Healthcare staff members. These individuals did an exceptional job planning, scheduling, coordinating, and implementing the entire conference. As with most volunteer staffers, the workers are few, but the harvest is plentiful is one way of describing the ratio of workers versus participants.

Wech Allyn sponsored the breakfast, with a welcoming speech and greetings from Children’s Healthcare’s Gary Nolan and Joe Nowick. Dr. Jeff Smoot, formerly of Atlanta and the founder and Chief Scientist/Researcher at Interactive Healthcare Designs, was the motivational guest speaker who spoke at the luncheon sponsored by Spectrum Technologies, Inc.

The event offered several educational, networking and personal development opportunities. The educational classes were conducted by the best of the best HTM professionals in the field with many years of hands on experience.  The vendors were very pleased with the turnout and all agreed to return to next year’s event.

GBIS would like to thank Children’s Healthcare Medical Center, the attendees, and corporate sponsors, for without them, this would not have been possible.

GBIS would like to also thank Dotmed and Tech Nation for the media coverage before and after the event. Please visit their website at and for articles and news related to the HTM community.

By all means, please visit our Corporate Sponsor Page for vendors that support GBIS.

Georgia Biomedical 

Instrumentation Society

  A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare  technology

PO Box 161685

Atlanta, GA  30321

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