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Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society

A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare technology

Dedicated to advancing the knowledge of personnel involved in the development, selection, operation, repair and support of biomedical instrumentation in healthcare institutions throughout the State of Georgia

GBIS 2017 Tech Expo

Thanks to all the participants that attended the 2017 GBIS Technical Conference once again made it a tremendous success.

It started with the 2017 Conference Committee members developing a plan to assign sub-committees. John Richards and Cecilia Byers accepted to host the event at Wellstar Development Center. Horace Hunter accepted to coordinate the event, Dr. Mike O’Rear and Matt Farzaneh accepted to coordinate the education classes, Christa Shiver and Dianne O’Rear accepted to coordinate the catering and charity events, Emmanuel King accepted locating a guest speaker, Nikhil and Horace accepted to market the event.

Thanks to all the individuals that volunteered their time to instruct classes: Gus Sakis, Mike Regan, Glen Stone, Dr. Heydari, Matt Farzaneh, Brett Steinmetz, Austin Chamberlain, Willie Briggs, Tyler Thrasher, Dr. Jeff Smooth, Dr. Mike O’Rear and Horace Hunter.

A special thanks to: Spectrum Technologies- Breakfast Sponsor, J2S Medical- Luncheon Co-Sponsor and Dr. Lora Kennedy- Guest Speaker.


The 2017 GBIS Technical Conference Expo began with the Meet & Greet event Sponsored by DOTmed Phil Jacobus with a special presentation and a continuation Happy Hour.


The next morning the registration started and the welcoming from John Richards and Horace Hunter lead the conference as the pictures will show some special moments:

Vendors of the Year: MediMizer “Gus Sakis” and R&F Imaging “Rex Fortenberry”.


GBIS BMET of the Year: “Thy Lunn” Piedmont Healthcare.

The GBIS Charity Ticket Sell helped raise $500.00 each for our affiliate charities, Boehm Birth Defect Center and AAMI Foundation.


Without our vendors and sponsors this event would not have been possible.  GBIS ask all our members to support vendors that support HTM associations and societies. More pictures can be seen on the 2017 Event page.

Georgia Biomedical 

Instrumentation Society

  A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare  technology

PO Box 161685

Atlanta, GA  30321

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