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Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society

A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare technology

Dedicated to advancing the knowledge of personnel involved in the development, selection, operation, repair and support of biomedical instrumentation in healthcare institutions throughout the State of Georgia

Charitable Organizations

In an effort to fulfill our mission of serving others, the Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society is offering its resources to assist existing charities in delivering improved healthcare both domestically and abroad. Affiliated charities are those charities that have an established agreement of cooperation. We also list some other charities as a convenience to our members and the community at large.

Click on a logo to find out more about a charity.

Medshare International

American Red Cross

Salvation Army
GBIS Affiliated Charities

Mercy Ships

Non-Affliated Charities

Secular Charities

United Way

Faith Based Charities


Bridge Disability Ministries

Medical Equipment Charities

American Medical Resources

Boehm Birth Defects Center

Good Will Industries

Operation Renewed Hope

Georgia Biomedical 

Instrumentation Society

  A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare  technology

PO Box 161685

Atlanta, GA  30321

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