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Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society

A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare technology

Dedicated to advancing the knowledge of personnel involved in the development, selection, operation, repair and support of biomedical instrumentation in healthcare institutions throughout the State of Georgia

GBIS 2024 Technical Conference/ Expo

Donations and Sponsorship Opportunities

Here is an opportunity to support the causes of GBIS and be recognize for your donation.  

All Donors and Sponsors will be recognized throughout the 2024 GBIS Technical/ Expo.

Online Donation Form Below

Sponsorship Opportunities:

Meet N Greet Event    Sponsors: $1200.00 ; Co-Sponsors: $500.00

The Meet N Greet will be held at the Authentic Brewery Company and will include a full meal and opportunities to network with attendees. Also includes opportunity to give a 5 minute presentation and recognition as Sponsor or Co-Sponsor with signage.

Morning Welcoming Donuts & Coffee Sponsor: Sponsors $300.00; Co-Sponsor:  $200.00

Sponsors and Co-Sponsors will be recognized during the welcoming. Also include Sponsor and Co-Sponsor signage.

Luncheon Sponsor:  Sponsor:  $800.00; Co-Sponsors: $300.00

Luncheon Sponsor and Co-Sponsors will be recognized during this event to include the opportunity to give a 5 minute presentation. Also include Sponsor and Co-Sponsor signage.

Silent Auction Donation: 

A Silent Auction will be conducted at the conference to raise money for Boehm Birth Defect Center, AAMI Scholarship Foundation and GBIS

ACI Certification Scholarship Program: Donations will be used to reimburse applicant(s) that have been approved and became certified.

Item donor is asked to donate an item of value. Enter the Item Value and Description in the form below and submit a picture of the item to   Donors will be recognized during the auction announcement.

Cash Donor - If you wish to make a cash donation other than those above, please download the mail in form and send with your check to: GBIS, PO Box 161685, Atlanta, GA  30321  Donors will be recognized during the auction announcement.

For more information contact Emmanuel King at 404-387-0295 or email at

Click Here to Download a Mail In Donation Form


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If you wish to make a cash donation other than those above, please download the form and mail with your check to
PO Box 655
Thomasville, GA 31799
Charity Silent Auction Donor
Please enter a description of the Silent Auction Item
Silent Auction Item Value
Please enter a value for the Silent Auction Item
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Georgia Biomedical 

Instrumentation Society

  A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare  technology

PO Box 161685

Atlanta, GA  30321

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