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Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society

A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare technology

Dedicated to advancing the knowledge of personnel involved in the development, selection, operation, repair and support of biomedical instrumentation in healthcare institutions throughout the State of Georgia

GBIS 2023 Tech Conference & Expo

August 11 - 12, 2023

Children's Heathcare of Atlanta

Marrirott Courtyard Atlanta/Emory

  Georgia Biomedical Instrumentation Society

2023 GBIS Technical Conference & Expo

The GBIS 2023 Technical Conference was held August 11 – 12, 2023 and was once again a success. The Meet & Greet event was co-sponsored by Vizzia Technologies and hosted at the Marriott Courtyard Atlanta/Emory. Participants gathered to have a good time socializing and networking with fellow healthcare professionals. Horace Hunter, Executive Director and Christa Shiver, Board of Trustee presented a plague to Mrs Diane O'Rear, wife and Dylan Farist, grandson for Dr. Mike O'Rear, pioneer and board of trustee Dedication of Service Award. Emmanuel King, Board of Trustee gave everyone a special token in remembrance of Dr. Mike. 

Registration kicked off the conference with breakfast co-sponsored by Innovatus Imaging and a welcoming presentation was given by Mr Carlos Ruiz, VP Facilities Children's Healthcare, Horace Hunter, GBIS Executive Director and Michael Cameron, 2023 Conference Committee Chairperson.  All the exhibitors was given the time to personally invite all the attendees to visit there booth. 

A great thank you goes out to all the instructors that volunteered their time to present excellent classes: Mr Stephen, Children's Healthcare, MRI Safety & Emergency Preparedness; Ms Kaylee McCaffrey, Avante Health Solutions, Ultrasound Preventive Maintenance; Nikhil Shirke, Fortuneline Business Consulting, Root Cause Analysis; Ms Melba Lawrence, GE Health; Ms Miranda Baras, Vizzia Technologies Real Time Location Systems; Mr Glen Stone, Southeastern Technical College, CBET Review for electronics. The attendees from all the classes expressed great appreciation and how wonderful all the classes were conducted.

Over all, the 2023 Technical Conference was a great success having almost 100 participants join us for another year of fun, enjoyment and a knowledge sharing experience.

A very special thanks goes out to our 2023 Conference Committee and Exhibitors, Michael Cameron, Amelia Granger, Jess Candelaria, Linda King, Emmanuel King, Lewis Ayers, Dave Weidman, Christa Shiver and Horace Hunter. 

See more pictures on the GBIS website event page.

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Georgia Biomedical 

Instrumentation Society

  A Society for Georgia BMET's and others involved in healthcare  technology

PO Box 161685

Atlanta, GA  30321

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